Monday, January 30, 2012

O! Unparalleled Patience, silent before an indifferent world!

Thou art meekly waiting to reveal to

all men Thy presence within them.

O Unparalleled Patience, silent before

an indifferent world! Bestow on me

Thy greathearted forbearance. Let me

never retaliate when people wound

me with unkindness.

(Sri Paramahansa Yogananda)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

rise above love and hate, tyranny and oppression, wealth and want..

You rise above love and hate, tyranny

and oppression, wealth and want,

and regard your own fate with impartial

calmness and perfect tranquility.

(Lord Buddha)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

be joyous in spite of all adverse circumstances...

May we be secretly joyous in spite of

all adverse circumstances, knowing

that happiness is our birthright, our

divine “buried treasure”. Guide us

to find in the soul the riches

beyond the dreams of kings.

(Sri Paramahansa Yogananda)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

a chastening mirror...

Let me not indulge in fits of selfish vexation

that alienate from me the affection of my

loved ones. Whenever I am rageful,  place

Thou before me a chastening mirror in

which to see myself made ugly by passion.

(Sri Paramahansa Yogananda)

Monday, January 16, 2012

keep a balanced mind... and calm...

Always try to keep the mind cool and calm.

Keep a balanced mind under all conditions.

Who can keep a balanced mind at all times

is really a strong and happy man.

(Swami Sivananda)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rope and snake... so it is...

The way we believe, the reality is not so.

A king on his throne, in dream becomes

beggar; his invincible kingdom taken,

he suffers – so is our state. Rope and

snake, so it is; now I know the secret a

little; speaking, I have naught left to say.

(Guru Ravidas)